Alabama Science Trail Passport Program 

Travel the state, learn science, and get patches!

Sponsored by the Alabama Academy of Sciences 

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Alabama Academy of Sciences, we are initiating our Alabama Science trail passport program.    The Alabama Science Trail has 85 sites of scientific interest in the state of Alabama.  You can find a map of the sites at the following website:

Alabama Science Trail

To earn your passport and a free Science Trail patch and certificate, visit five of the top ten Science Trail sites and any five others.

What You Will Do 

To complete the program, visit 10 sites and complete the feedback form for each site. 

Send us your forms using the online form below.

We will then send you the Science Trail patch and the certificate you have earned. 

Questions? Email Dr. Mel Blake at the University of North Alabama:

Science Trail Feedback Form

Science Trail Feedback Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Enter the name of Site One

Name of Site 1
30 minutes would be .5, 90 minutes would be 1.5, for example.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter one paragraph describing your experience.

Site 2

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Site 3

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Site 4

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Site 5

MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.