AAS/AJAS Registration Form

Please note that BANQUET TICKETS may not be available if you

register on-site, they will be first come, first served for the remaining plates.


All individuals need to register using this electronic form. There is no longer a paper registration form option. Please make an effort to use an electronic payment option. We use PayPal, which securely processes all  major credit and debit cards, or you can pay with the PayPal Account, which can be linked directly to a checking account.

However, payments for individuals without access to credit or debit cards can be make by mailing a check to the address below. Under the registration category tab, choose “I wish to pay by check.”


Payment should arrive prior to the first day of the meeting. For GROUPS that wish to register and pay for multiple attendees at once, please fill out the GROUP registration form here. Under the registration category tab, choose “I wish to pay by check.”

Please send all physical checks to:

Alabama Academy of Science

C/O Jack Shelley-Tremblay, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Professor and Chair, Department of Psychology


P: (251) 460-6883 F: (251) 460-6320

University of South Alabama, Department of Psychology

UCOM 1123, Mobile, AL 36688

Alabama Academy of Science/AJAS Annual Meeting Registration

This form is now set for the 2024 registration cycle.

  • College or School that you are affiliated with (High School students please name high school).
  • Hidden
    This allows you to pay your membership dues for this academic year easily in this same transaction.
  • Please select the Division of AAS you wish to join: All users must select one.
  • If you are a vendor, please list any needs that you have, such as tables, access to power, etc.
  • Tax Deductible Donation to the Academy.
  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.