Opportunities for STEM learning!

Pathways To Science | Increasing Diversity in STEM

STEM funding and opportunities – such as paid summer research, graduate fellowships, and graduate programs. 


For Undergraduates: 

Paid Summer 2025 Undergraduate Research Placements: 

Over 700 programs – NSF REU, NASA, NIH and other paid summer research opportunities for undergrads 



For Financial Support in Graduate School: 

Fellowships and graduate programs in a wide variety of STEM disciplines: 



For tips on applying and associated resources: 



For opportunities specifically in the Ocean Sciences: 



For opportunities specifically in Engineering: 



We’d be happy to answer any questions you have and to provide your students with assistance in applying to these programs. 


Shelita Augustus 

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Institute for Broadening Participation 

Pathways To Science | Increasing Diversity in STEM

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IBP’s mission is to increase diversity in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. We design and implement strategies to increase access to STEM education, funding, and careers, with special emphasis on reaching underserved communities and diverse underrepresented groups. www.PathwaysToScience.org makes it easy for faculty and administrators to access resources that can assist them in their efforts to reduce barriers to participation, create environments rich in the positive factors that support student success on the STEM pathway, and conduct outreach to underserved commu

2025 Gorgas Scholarship Competition for Alabama High School Seniors (public, private or homeschool). 

Information on the annual competition and awards may be found on the website at https://alabamajunioracademyofscience.org/home/gorgas-scholarship-competition. For further information, contact Ellen Buckner, PhD, RN, CNE, AE-C, FNAP, Chair, Gorgas Scholarship Competition, ebbuckner@gmail.com , (205) 910-9877.

Applications for the 2025 competition may be submitted directly to the Chair, Dr. Ellen Buckner. Deadline for receipt of electronic scientific paper is December 31st, 2024.  Send to ebbuckner@gmail.com and gorgasscholarshipcompetition@gmail.com and include Gorgas in Subject line.  Receipt will be acknowledged. Finalists will present their scientific research at Troy University, Montgomery Campus on February 28th, 2025.