Fall 2019 Executive Committee Report
National Association of Academies of Science Spring – Summer 2019 NAAS Newsletter
Please read this great newsletter from the National Association!
Competition winners for the 2019 AAS/AJAS/Gorgas Program
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.alabamaacademyofscience.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Competition-Winner-Slide-Show-2019.pdf” title=”Competition Winner Slide Show 2019″]
Highlights from the 2018 Meeting at Samford University
Please see the Winners of the Paper and Poster competitions below.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.alabamaacademyofscience.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Competition-Winner-Slide-Show-2018_FINAL.pdf” title=”Competition Winner Slide Show 2018_FINAL”]
Congratulations Alexis Jones winner and other ranked finalists of the 2018 Alabama Junior Academy of Science paper reading competition! Thanks to Samford University College of Health Sciences for hosting the outstanding event! L->R Mark T Jones, State Director, Alexis Jones, winner, Lucas Lynn 2nd, Noel Lange 3rd, Madeleine Forbes 4th, and Ritik Arya, 5th.