2025 Gorgas Scholarship Competition for Alabama High School Seniors (public, private or homeschool). 

Information on the annual competition and awards may be found on the website at https://alabamajunioracademyofscience.org/home/gorgas-scholarship-competition. For further information, contact Ellen Buckner, PhD, RN, CNE, AE-C, FNAP, Chair, Gorgas Scholarship Competition, ebbuckner@gmail.com , (205) 910-9877.

Applications for the 2025 competition may be submitted directly to the Chair, Dr. Ellen Buckner. Deadline for receipt of electronic scientific paper is December 31st, 2024.  Send to ebbuckner@gmail.com and gorgasscholarshipcompetition@gmail.com and include Gorgas in Subject line.  Receipt will be acknowledged. Finalists will present their scientific research at Troy University, Montgomery Campus on February 28th, 2025.

 Anato-Bee Science Competition!

Hello Administrators and Teachers! 

We are contacting you on behalf of an initiative funded by the American Association of Anatomy (AAA), the Anato-Bee. The Anato-Bee is a competition designed to inspire high school students to learn more about the anatomical sciences. We are especially motivated to spark this interest in students that are underrepresented in STEM majors and careers. 

The second annual Anato-Bee competition will take place in the Spring of 2025. There will be two levels of competition – a local level and a regional level. We are hoping that your students will be interested in participating in the VIRTUAL, LOCAL competition Auburn University’s COSAM STEM Outreach Center is hosting on Saturday, January 25, 2025! There is no limit to the number of students at your school that can participate. 

Registration for the competition IS OPEN at: https://anatobee.org/student-information

Registered students will receive FREE: 

  • Online tutoring from second-year students at U.S. medical schools  
  • Online access to anatomy software preparation materials valued at $200. 

The top-scoring student from our local competition in Auburn, AL will advance to the southern regional competition to be held at the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine in Auburn, AL on March 8 – 9, 2025.  

  • Stipends will be available for some students to offset the costs of travel and lodging at the regional competition.  

The top-scoring students at the regional competitions will be offered scholarships (first-place student $3,000; second-place student $1,500) to attend a summer STEM outreach experience of their choosing. 

If you decide to participate in the VIRTUAL, local competition, here are some logistics. 

  • On the day of the event (Saturday, January 25, 2025), registered participants will join a ZOOM meeting set up by our institution. Our volunteers (graduate students, faculty, etc.) will act as virtual proctors.  
  • Once all participants have “checked in” and we have determined their test space is secure – we will email the written and practical exam information to the participating students. Participants will record their answers using a google forms document.  
  • At the end of the two-hour testing period, exams will be virtually collected by the Anato-Bee coordinators. Once the exam grades are finalized, we will notify you and your students of the top-placing student of the local competition. These students will be invited to compete at the regional competition on Saturday, March 8, 2025, and Sunday, March 9, 2025. 

For more information about the Anato-Bee, please visit the Anato-Bee website. To further our initiative, please forward this email to your local and regional colleagues who would have students interested in participating in our local competition. Your participation in this transformative opportunity will help train the next generation of anatomists. Please encourage your students to REGISTER ASAP. (Tutoring is happening now – details are posted on the Anato-Bee website.)  

Thank you,


Jessica Gilpin, Ph.D.
Assistant Director
College of Sciences and Mathematics
131 SCC Building, Auburn, AL 36849
O: 334.844.5769 | M: 845.558.9987

Team Alabama Press Release – Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)

Seventeen students from across Alabama attended the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), held May 12-18 in Los Angeles, California. More than 1,500 students from 64 countries, regions or territories competed for prizes in the event.

Fifteen of the students from Alabama had earned the right to compete at this prestigious event by winning a top prize at their regional or at the state science fair. The other student attended as student observer.

Students attending were: Kevin Yan, Annie Bao, John Parsons, Yunseo Ha, Madeline Borchert, Gabriel Gordon, Connie Guo, Sahishnu Saha, Abhai Anand, Leonardo Hernandez, Ashu Anand, Greeshma Vinoy, Will Bao, Rhyana Mahatsente, Max Lizee, Julia Gordon, Joseph LeFevre and Lily Vilardi.

Team Alabama 2024

Awards won by the students included two Special Awards and one Grand Category Award– this was a good year but a rebuilding year with all but one as a brand-new competitor!

Special Awards:

Ashu Anand

Air Force Research Laboratory on behalf of the United States Air Force

First Award of $750 in each Regeneron ISEF Category,

The Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Planaria Tissue Regeneration

Ashu Anand, Alabama School of Fine Arts, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States of America

 John Parsons

Soumyanath Memorial Award

This award is presented by the family of Krishnamurthy Soumyanath (1957 – 2010), for the best project in Computer Engineering. Dr Soumyanath was an Intel Fellow. The prize honors the memory of an energetic and adventurous individual who inspired and mentored many young people to excel in all aspects of life.

First Award of $3,000

Detecting Forest Fires and Park Visitors in Distress Using Radio Systems

John Willis Parsons, Auburn High School, Auburn, AL, United States of America

$1,000 will be awarded to the winner’s school.

Grand Category Third Award of $1,000

MATS050 — Machine-Learning-Driven Discovery of Novel Acoustic Metamaterials for Broadband Noise Mitigation

Will Bao, Auburn High School, AL, United States of America

2024 Alabama ISEF Winners

Ashu Anand

John Parsons

Will Bao