Grants and Awards

Information for Students

The Alabama Academy of Science Committee on Research administers grants and awards programs for students. There are three programs: 

Paper/Poster Competition Awards, Travel Awards, and Research Grants

Paper/Poster Competition Awards

Student members may enter their paper and/or poster in the Paper/Poster Competition Awards. Entries must conform to eligibility requirements. The author(s) of the winning paper or poster in each section will receive appropriate recognition. Winners will be announced. Please link to the competition requirements.

All students submitting papers or posters to the conference are automatically entered into the competition.

Membership application information

Link to printable application form (word file) for membership in Alabama Academy of Science.

Contact Information

Requirements and application materials can be obtained by following the above links and printing the forms. Requirements and application materials may also be obtained by contacting:

Dr. Brian Burnes, Ph.D.
Chair, AAS Committee on Research
Department of Biology
University of West Alabama
Livingston, AL 35470